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15th of June

the best person in the world. they always make you feel like a wet sausage. this person will always stand by you and never you let you down. you are extremely lucky to have a friend born on June 15. Thery are the prettiest (if they are the youngest child) and really good at sport.

friend: its Jasmine's birthday today
mum: but today is June 15
friend: exactly, this party finna be lit Mrs p

15th of June- a party goer

by sexy_mofo_ November 8, 2019

23πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

June 23

The day where all girls can ask someone out and the other person can’t say no…

Girl: hey, it’s June 23 that means I can ask my crush out

Boy: oh here comes the thots

by You aready know June 23, 2020

217πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

June 10

One of the most kind hearted,handsome, tall people u will meet.He might tell a lie but he is doing it cause he wants to be cool.So when he says it’s a lie believe him cause the lie he told is not true.

The day June 10 is the best day for people to be born in.

by miriscash October 18, 2019

119πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

June 13

Also known as Chris evans birthday

So be happy that you’re birthday is on the same day as the sexiest man alive

My birthday is on the same day as Chris Evans, june 13

by Myeehaw November 10, 2019

33πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

June 26

The day that the craziest bitch was born. They seem quiet but are secretly a crackhead. If you were born on this day you are awesome and prob at least a little gay or support it. Ariana Grande was also born on this day so thats cool.

"Hey! Its Emilys birthday, June 26, that means she most be a crackhead"

by cornonthecobcat February 19, 2020

36πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

June 24

June 24 is National Suck Dick Day

Today's June 24 its National Suck Dick day. So I'm leaving work early !

by HelpingD June 24, 2018

973πŸ‘ 223πŸ‘Ž

June 9

National hangout with your special someone day

Guy- wyd on June 9
Girl- nothing why
Guy- it’s the day when we hanging since it will be national hangout with your special someone day

by dr._dank_noodles June 9, 2019

69πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž