The art of getting your cock and slapping it on your partners forehead before they wake up. Sometimes done before a blow job but less popular
cock knocking = Oli cock knocked Ben before a BJ, Ben was not amused
16👍 8👎
When your man hits his teeth off of your teeth when becoming intimate with each other.
Yo man I was knocking teeth with my girl the other night
A person is sponge knocking if they say that they tried to pay a debt to another person, but lied about it.
Person 1 "Man I tried to pay you...knocked on the answer"
Person 2 "Oh yeah? Knocked all night at my door...was in all night, were you knocking on the door with a sponge?" Hence called sponge knocking. "I was accused of sponge knocking...but i really tried"
London slang for a pair of ladies knickers
Put your dirty knick knocks in the washing machine.
Northern English (especially S Yorkshire, Lincolnshire) meaning to have sexual intercourse
I reckon my mum and dad were knocking hip last night
When u hit the juul too hard and have to lay down because of the nicotine head rush
Holdup bro, I gotta sit down I just got nic knocked
On your own
You've been spending too much time on your noddy knock.
(Or you've been spending too much time on your noddy)