William Newton, a charismatic chocolate man who is known to be a true to definiton psychopath over the love of his life Jennifer “Sweets” the Green eyed Angel
William Newton is a true God among men and will disembow anyone who defys him or disrespects his lover Jennifer “Sweets”
A guy that plays better when people don't hate him, because he's human like them.
Cam Newton does things a little different than most people would, but as long as they love what he can do instead of who he is, he's not going to do everything he really could, because he's human.
A guy who's unorthodoxy some don't appreciate.
As long as the referees hate Cam Newton being himself on the field, they are going to keep making life difficult for him over him showing any emotions other than smiling or greeting fans and shit like that. He's been in the league long enough to be left alone now, he's already done things no other quarterback has done, and he's not done yet.
He sometimes brought bad publicity with reporters, so people at some point were going to find out he wasn't a superhero and he wasn't perfect, he was just a guy. He hasn't had a whole lot of room to be a regular guy because of the superhero nicknames and image.
Some of what Cam Newton said and did was as questionable as what anybody else says and does. He didn't really ever claim to be perfect, somewhere he got the superhero image and it stuck.
Carolina should have been more patient with Cam Newton even when the going got tough. There's no good reason he wouldn't have still been somebody the team could depend on, whether he was starting or not.
When people have enough money, they feel like their bank account proves they can overlook guys like Cam Newton. He's not the only talented quarterback in the league, but there's only a few per generation.
He's going to be the guy that plays on 8 teams in 5 years now, for no good reason.
Cam Newton has to go out and buy a home in 5 different cities now to prepare for the next few years.