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Nick Cuch is the biggest simp in New Hartford New York.


by Derek Ferrone May 14, 2020


Those pussy nice guys that want to get a woman by respecting her and by making favors. For example morty, from rick and morty or mordecai, from regular show. Also a simp someone who donates to twich thots waiting for them to notice.

"Stop being such a simp, it's cringy, just ask her out"

by diabloツ May 11, 2020



My name is Seth I am a simp

by Seth switch April 30, 2020

1👍 1👎


It is a person who kisses up to women in an attempt to pull them. They end up getting friend zoned. Names are Michael, Mike and Mikhail and other names that are like those.

Your a simp

by Ur mom 67 May 19, 2020


a simp is when you keep simping over a girl and you think they gonna like it and go out with you.

Person 1: “omg you know natalia damn she has such a phat ass🤤“
Person 2: “man your simping yet again, she dont like you😒“

by 🐩 puppy person August 10, 2020


simp (plural simps) (slang) A man who foolishly overvalues and defers to a woman, putting her on a pedestal. (slang) A simple person lacking common sense; a fool or simpleton.

Woman: Ey, kill that dude.
Man: Why-
Woman: Cuz I'm hot.
Man: Fair enough.
Man 2: SIMP

by TextTastic August 24, 2020


a person who dies anything to get in bed with a girl

look mikael is the biggest simp ever

by apekatt August 2, 2020