Source Code

Matt Smith

Matt Smith: to describe someone with a weird or uncommon face structure

David Tennant: Dude have you seen our replacement?
Christopher Eccleston: Yeah, he's a total Matt Smith.
David: Ya know, Allons-y
Christopher: Fantastic

Matt: D:

by hoovian June 10, 2014

57πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Shawnee Smith

REALLY hot actress that play Amanda in the saw movies.

Damn, Shawnee Smith is HOT.

by Adrian November 18, 2006

66πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Leigh smith

One of two meanings, a word used to describe losing a large rowing race. Most common being Head Of The River.

Can also be one of the most common names in the world.

Guy after a head of river race: "Ahhh snap! leigh smith lost us head of the river!"

Bob Saget: "True that."

Guy: "Word."

by Hutchins Rowing AKA blue September 6, 2009

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Aden Smith

An awesome guy who is straight and overall amazing. Anyone named Jose, Sebastian, Fernando, or Alan are gay.

Wow this guy is such an Aden Smith.

by TheCommunistNugget April 22, 2019

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Matt Smith

Matt Smith is cool, funny, and forgetful. He is married to a woman named Billie Piper. This is totally real. No joke. Fight me.

Man that guy must be a Matt Smith!

by UrMomIsMyDad April 11, 2016

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thomas smith

Thomas Smith an awesome guy that would be dating a girl named Olivia he’s very outgoing and loves to hear problems from friends when needed help. Also he’s very very sexy and had a massive penis

Wow Thomas Smith is so cool

by Jacob Pope December 14, 2019

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Jessica Smith

baller, cool, funny as frick, tall asf, nice, loves to take long walks on the beach !! HATES BEING CALLED BIG

Everyone needs a JESSICA SMITH in their life

by kahkis August 3, 2018

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