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human tampon

Some one who has sex with a girl and allows her to bleed over his penis.

"Luke and Mary had sex and Mary used Luke's penis as a human tampon by bleeding all over it while he penetrated"

by A.S Davis May 19, 2009

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crusty tampon

Crusty tampon is that thing where your vaginal is so infected it boogers up and closes like an eyeball with pinkeye.
Usually there will be a tampon in there too, string hanging out.

Crusty tampon can also mean just a dirty old bloody tampon clinging to a bathroom ceiling for six months.

"Ooooh, my cooter is in distress, done got me a case of the ol crusty tampon."

by DrunkrFastr December 28, 2016

Nose tampon

When your tired of running to the bathroom because your nose is running and you have no tissues so you roll a piece of toilet paper and fold it to make a nose tampon.

Guy 1: Omg I'm so tired of going to the bathroom to blow my nose.
Guy 2: Make a nose tampon.

by gabriellebrok November 25, 2016

tainted tampon

the process of ripping out the girls tampon while she is asleep and put glue on it and shove it back into her vagina and put glue on it and stick it back in

i gave carla a tainted tampon last night

by helter skeltor September 10, 2014

Nostril Tampon

A big wad of toilet paper crushed together and shaped like a finger that you stuff up into your nostril to stop a nose bleed.

This method works, try it. Thank goodness for "Nostril Tampons"!.

by Unkle Foreplay September 2, 2010

Leather Tampon

1: A poorly effective feminine hygiene product. 2: Comedy troop with limited notoriety on Youtube around 2010.

Leather Tampon put out a trailer for a new set of skits, but they split up before it was finished.

by Hellz Wind Staffer December 20, 2020

tampon torpedo

A tampon torpedo is when a girl pulls out her bloody tampon, sticks it in her ass, and farts shooting the tampon out like a torpedo

Man the sex was great then she hit me with a tampon torpedo

by Ace102007 April 22, 2020