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breasts, cans, globes etc.

Those things are BEASTS!

by pmc November 2, 2002

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to say that something did or looks good.

OMG Mikey is so beast at skateboarding!, Your project is so beast

by elmo! May 9, 2008

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n (beast) - Someone or something that is mindblowingly cool, awesome, butters, or just generally good.

v (beasted; beasting) - To defeat, own, or pwn someone with great skill.
(beasted, beasting)

adj (beastly) - Great, mindblowing

n - "Dude, last night was BEAST!"

v - "You just got beasted on!"

a - "Those were some beastly chips."

by jeremyxdax February 13, 2010

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The actions of a person, place or thing that would require a word that is fun to say, and requires a word meaning better than awesome. This word can be used as a noun, pronoun, verb or anything you wish.

Dude, you are beast.

by savergen June 12, 2009

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a absolute freak of nature

james lamb is a beast

by lambyyy October 5, 2011

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you spelled breast wrong and ended up with this.

search: b-?-e-a-s-t. "dammit, not beast breast"

by thesarcasmmonster September 19, 2012

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A Person Who Is Extremely, Extraordinarily good at something. When someone performs to an outstanding extent at one time.


by TheActualBeast May 18, 2009

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