to have somebody (preferably a girl) suck you off while you're playing call of duty online
Jon: Adam, man, why'd you go 0-20??!
Adam: Sorry, bro, couldn't concentrate. My girlfriend was giving me cod domes.
When the top of his/her forehead is large and the size of a bowling ball.
That mega dome is bigger Han my football
The highest tier of Head. The tiers are as followed (succ, brain{, dome, KrAzY sUcC{, KrAzY bRaIn, KrAzY dOmE)
Yo this bitch gave me Krazy dOmE.
Getting a blowjob while you are playing Modern Warfare 2. Dome, being the blowjob, and Domination being a type of game you can play on Modern Warfare 2. Therefore, you have your word, "Dome-ination."
Dude, I was practicing some dome-ination last night.
To shoot someone in the head.
Got a dome call on that camping bastard.
A freaky female that is a expert of giving head.
Ramone, I went to Tiffany's crib last night. Her blow job is tight, no wonder they call her DR. Dome !
When a short person, or midget, gives you head.
Guy 1- "damn dood, Caroline is such a gnome-dome."
Guy 2- "Caroline? The short girl?"
Guy 1- "yeah bruh"
Guy 2- "that's my sister!"