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Punching the Walrus

Originally a termed used to describe a torture technique where a female hostage was repeatedly punched in the genitals to force a confession. Current use of the term is political obfuscation through simple and often contradictory responses to questions that have only one answer.

"The text of the President's press release was full of open ended responses, that didn't even address the reporter's question, he was really punching the walrus on that one."

by Daddiopedia July 13, 2017

hairy walrus

Is a hairy vagina

dammmmmmnnn she got a hairy walrus

by potatototo123 April 6, 2017


Walrus-bomb (v.): 1) Sex with someone with a BMI of over 40, most commonly on the springboard at the YMCA pool. 2) Influx of disturbing, yet oddly sensual photographs on a social media site. 3) When the influx of number 2 causes number 1.

I totally walrus-bombed that chick in the handicapped bathroom at Chilis.

I just watched Happy Feet, and I feel all horny and I need to walrus-bomb.

by Curshmanspiral May 26, 2012

Loremaster Walrus

someone who doesn't say fuck, and is dedicated to the art of Hollow knight lore.

"Hey look, it's loremaster walrus!"

"Minigun what the fuck"

by Minigun May 2, 2022

Walrus Heading

When you have to shit so bad, that a chunk of a turd is hanging out of your ass.

I'm fucking walrus heading right now. Dude, where is your bathroom?!

by Aunostah Nichol-Black January 28, 2017

Walrus Poking

v. The act of chichalooing a hefty young lady, often done accidentally.

Kid 1: Let's go chichaloo some girls tonight!

Kid 2: We better be careful not to start walrus poking these mamacitas!

Kid 1: You're right! I'd rather be popping a dingo.

by SmallSnake42 May 25, 2013

hockey walrus

An overweight hockey mom.

theres no room in the stands, there are too many hockey walruses watching the game.

by leonmktg October 17, 2022