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A well-known creator in the game "Geometry Dash" known for his ability to make levels quickly and for the fun gameplay in the levels.

Notable levels include: "aple kice," "blush," "zero angel," and "shy skies."

"Who is your favorite creator in Geometry Dash?"
"That would be bunch."
"I really like his simplistic style and he makes the most fun gameplay."

by geometry dash 223 December 20, 2022


To love someone extremely.

I love you bunches

by Melissa Carver July 14, 2020


Similar a munch, a male who only eats ass without getting anything in return

“Girl you think I want him, that boy a bunch smh

by rockemsockemrobots March 8, 2023


When your sweaty-ass ginch rides up your crack so far,and becomes entangled within the abyss of hair and detritus, it becomes impossible to mobilize.

*can be used as a verb, if required

"Gawd, I gots a bunch going on down thur'"

"Man, I am so bunched right meow, this just isn't gonna work...."

by Condorian Logik September 26, 2018

Fucky bunch

A group of fucks

The Fucky Bunch are at it again.

by FearNoFish October 4, 2017

Chutney Bunch

Another term for a Mojo

Your my chutney bunch

by rockinste April 1, 2009

Kani Bunch

A very wonderful being, majestic even. You are a very special person if you ever get to see them walk across your path. Never judging or cruel, and always excepting. Almost like a god if you will, hes caring, beautiful, charming, fulfilling, well shes incredible.

Kani Bunch is just life changing.

Kani Bunch is truly a godess amongst its people.

by Ohgoditsspider July 8, 2021