A female slut that is the town bike that everyone has fucked with the name lucinda
Quick hide there is loose-in-der the dirty sausage wallet she is such a big hole
A young man, normally that with an amazing set of dirty blonde hair and brown eyes... is what I'd like to say but all he has going for him is his hot ass girlfriend who takes care of him constantly.
Wow, I want to have Bennett van der Veen as my boyfriend. I'll be his sugar momma!
A one-der is a date without repeat. A booty call without keeping the phone number.
What's the status of that girl you took home last night?
She was just a one-der...
homer simpson after killing his son
Grant disguised as marge: homie wheres bort
HOMER: Mer Der
lisa: ima SAxOphOne
Bort: consume pantaloons.
''Der Schimmelreiter'' is the worst book ever
Someone: Meshach did you read ''Der Schimmelreiter?''
Meshach: I tried to, but it was boring af
When maf is here. its an sentence you use when maf is here.
Vilganius kläggus- JÄGLAAAR tja daf
Egon cpus: DEeee Mafen deeer
Mafen der