Source Code

Buff Egan

A mythical sex creature originating from the Bible

Oh wow he’s a real buff Egan

by crazy bitch04 June 12, 2018

buff glitchtrap

Giga chad

Buff glitchtrap is god

by Buff glitchtrap January 25, 2021

buff aimee

she has abs, likes to draw butts and has a fetish for teacher's farts

egghead 1: oh mA GOad there Is A BuFf AimEE SHe IS sUch A PeRv

buff aimee is being a mean butt booty

by loserass August 6, 2019

skinny buff

when you're skinny and buff at the same time

caesar is skinny buff

by anabanananan April 29, 2022

Buff Sad

To be Buff Sad, means to be very upset, or very emotional.

Dude I’m like feeling Buff Sad right now.

by We$10 October 11, 2018

Tiisetso Buff

This refers to the ability of Tiisetso's to get away with literally anything and everything in existance.

Trust. You wont get in trouble, you have the Tiisetso Buff.

by ANameThatHasntBeenUsedBefore January 8, 2022

Buff Mercs

"Buff Mercs" relates to a meme in the Team Fortress 2 fandom, where, the nine classes are shown to have huge muscles.. I mean.. INSANE MUSCLES! and are paired with Tick-Tock - Joji. Usually in shitposts, MGE memes, or, when you get that one pro player on your team that's def listening to Tick-Tock.

Guy 1: "Hey bro, why are these Buff Mercs blocking me from watching porn?"

Guy 2: "Get off PornHub mate."

Guy 1: "Actually it's e-"

*Buff Soldier TF2 fucking kills him*

by CX0 September 12, 2023