Cheddar nigger/Knuckle Dragger
“See leroy over there? People say he is a real Chimp”
An individual who exhibits both "Chad" and "Simp" behavior
Guy 1: Remember when Brian donating half his lottery winnings to charity?
Guy 2: Yeah that was pretty cool of him
Guy 1: Well I Just found out he donated the other half to his favorite E-girl
Guy 2: .....Fucking Chimp
•A man that thinks himself in a dominant position over women in hopes of satisfying their inferiority complex, without the male being able to bring anything to the table.
•A man that puts too much value on male dominance usually as a result for having a fungi infected dick.
•A man that prides himself with "Masculinity" in hopes of trying to make themselves feel better for all things they're lacking and women look for in a man.
•A square who thinks they have game by thinking themselves better than those who are real men yet are clearly lacking in all areas required to please a female.
The perfect example of a "Chimp" Man would be:
The steroid infected man at the gym that hits his head whenever he doesnt manage to "lift" enough,
The typical white kid that punches the wall when he's mad,
Most meth addicts with erectile dysfunction.
"Yoh dawg look at that Chimp, what's he doing out the zoo" says every person looking to the musclehead acting like he's better than the next person.
"Fuck, don't you just hate it when men are such Chimps" most women.
"Damn did that Chimp just hit his girlfriend?" -Dude 1
"Yeah bro, he's gonna break his hand that way" Dude 2 referring to the skinny-ass methhead that looks constipated.
Someone who is such an idiot and acting like a fool that they are acting equivalent to a chimpanzee
"Stop fucking hitting me, you chimp!"
"Give me back my stuff, you chimp!"
"CHIMPS" are Police Community Support Officers or PCSOs. Due to the fact that they "Can't Help In Most Police Situations". Everyone knows that PCSOs can't really do much because they aren't actually Police Officers at all.
Person 1: Look over there at that huge group of CHIMPS by the shop being unhelpful.
Person 2: What on earth are CHIMPS?
Person 1: They are PCSOs, you know, because they Can't Help In Most Police Situations.
Person 2: You're right, they can't.
fatass feet that don’t look like they belong on the persons body
“Holy shit Blake has chimp feet”