The term Alpha Chud is used to describe a self proclaimed "alpha" male who obviously and obsessively works to gain other perceived "alpha" mens' attention or acceptance. Typically, an alpha chud talks about the evils of "woke" culture, and often complain about female or minority leads in media. Many celebrities who speak out against "wokeness" have a large alpha chud following that will defend them online in hopes that the "alpha" in question celebrity will notice them. A herd of alpha chuds is often referred to as a "circle jerk".
I made an offhanded post about Elon Musk and woke up to a hundred alpha chuds defending him in the comments.
Steve went full alpha chud after watching the new Marvel trailer and won't stop ranting about the m-SHE-u.
a nickname implying someone is so gay they are the master and commander of all dicks. used as an insult.
Mike: hey, sup commander chud
brandon: sup
The act of getting chaffage between your ass cheeks, combined with the deadly combination of mud butt.
Damn you Indian food, you gave me some wicked chud butt.
A man that has a penis that is usually larger in width than in length
If Ryan has a chode, than you call him a vic-chud.
Booty chud is the crusted fermentation of booty soup after a prolonged period of time being held in the rectum. After 2 weeks, booty soup takes on a blackish brownish color crusting around the booty hole and sealing it shut, at this point the booty chud takes on the thickness of pudding
Hey mat, I’ve kept booty soup in my ass for 2 weeks I have mad booty chud now