The waxy residue on the roof of your mouth after eating Captain Crunch.
Man, that Captain Crunch was so delicious. I wish it didn't leave so much after-film.
A Local film maker.. Very Chill And Smokes too much weed.
Ad films.. Yeah that guy is fucking chill man
😱: Occult Detective Is The Film And Psychology Skill Called Philosophy
a film that is full of murder-by-slitting-the-throat scenes.
Children should not be allowed to watch slitter films.
Someone who suggests movies, but flakes on watching any of the ones you recommend.
I watched at least 4 movies the Film Flake suggested, yet he's watched only 1 of mine.
Some Dumbass Autistic YouTuber Who's Fully Self Aware On How Mentally Ill/Bat-shit Insane He Is & Makes Videos Mainly For Himself But Ultimately Let's Others Watch His Garbage Since He Feels Like Others Would Probably Enjoy Them(He calls his videos garbage btw)
Yeah I like watching Kaiju Film Entertainment, He may be not the brightest person on the planet but he at least knows how to make content, even if it's not perfect sometimes
A promiscuous woman who has a history of having multiple photographers and filmmaker partners.
Jen went to Hollywood to become a model and it was constructive she was a film slut so she could get cheap content for her social media.