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Gamer Standard Time

Gamer Standard Time (GST) is a time zone for gaming worlds, virtual worlds, and all online forms of video game playing.

It just happens to coincide with PST (Pacific Standard Time), probably because California is the leading place for the video gaming industry and virtual worlds.

1: "What time do you want to start a game tonight? Around 9 Gamer Standard Time?"

2: "Sure. So GST is what...? 8pm for me here in Denver?"

1: "No, it's 10pm for Mountain Time."

2: "Hell yeah! See you later!"

by CadeRageous January 8, 2010

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Double standard doug

Gets angry when you do one thing, but is aloud to do that exact same thing him/herself

He said I couldn't have any photos of my ex on Facebook, but its OK for him to have pics of his ex ' He's a double standard Doug '

by Adoder November 6, 2021

Weiner Standard Time

The act of being too late to be fashionably late. This usually occurs when pickup is necessary by a Weiner. If you are getting picked up in 1 minute WST, you may as well walk home.The simple formula to calculate WST in your current time zone is:
Current Time รท pi x 4.

There is also a Weiner Minute, which is one minute in WST.

Mom, can you pick me up?

Sure thing! I'll pick you up at 9:30.

Is that Weiner Standard Time?


O.K. Mom! See you at 12:06!

by JustAWeinerMinute June 5, 2010

The Standard Average Play

the standard average play is usually the best play available in poker. the standard average play, or SAP, was developed as a kind of anti-dote to The Fancy Play Syndrome. the Standard Average Play is what a SAP, or "normal" person might do, if that normal person thought through what was actually occurring in the moment at the table AND the Standard Average Play is what every Pro should be looking for, and should know, at any given point in the play of a hand. the Standard Average Play was developed by William Edward Harding and Kurt Dewhurst, two well-known Las Vegas Poker personalities.

you know, rather than trying to out-think everybody all the time and look like a genius, you might benefit from simply asking: "what's the standard average play here?" the standard average play is usually good enough, and usually where you're head should be.

by willhard9723 May 19, 2013

Standard Bender unit

A measurement equal to 2m (2000mm). Commonly used term derived from the spatial development of railway elements from a recent south western sydney rail corridor. Elements along the track are broken down into Standard Bender Units for ease of translation between designers.

1: How wide is the road?
2: Oh, about 3 standard bender units (SBU)!
3: It seemed more like 2 benders....

by DRAINAGE MAINLINE January 10, 2012

Standardized Test Fright

Like stage fright, only with standardized tests. One who suffers from Standardized Test Fright fears going into the testing room, having other students stare at them, and Musk Oxen.

To prep for his SAT & ACT tests, Allan perfected first his mind, then his body, utilizing every trick he could find to rid himself of his Standardized Test Fright and assume his rightful place, as the Chosen One.

by old_standardized_tester November 5, 2018

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homo standard time

noun. a time system which homosexuals use. it is often half an hour to an hour latter than the standard time.

it is usual for a homo to run on HST to allow more time to drink, primp, have sex or generally slack off before going to a party or function. they also think it is fashionable to show up late, even though they know they'll show up with every other homo too.

The cocktail party for Ted and Billy's wedding was at 7:00pm, but all their gay friends were running on Homo Standard Time and showed up at 8.

by JP_002 January 29, 2007

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