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Loosing a nuke

When you crimp off a turd that could destroy a city

"Marjorie, what's that smell and where has the west wing gone?"

"Oh, Quentin it was terrible! Reginald has been in the lavatory, loosing a nuke!"

by Mostly_made_up June 3, 2017

Murph Nuke

When you cum into a condom, flip it inside out, put it on your hand like a glove, and punch someone in the face full force.

Yo did you hear? Joe pulled a murph nuke on frank!

by JustThat_1 January 24, 2020

booty nuke

A fart so bad it kills everyone within 20 feet of them

Did you hear about that guy who dropped a booty nuke? Everyone in his house died!!

by Cailyn_robinson1 October 7, 2017

Hit it with a nuke

A humorous term used to end an annoying conversation with someone, normally complaining about their life.

Batman: My parents are dead!
Me: Hit it with a nuke

by 1dchouseman September 21, 2012

Truth nuke

When you can't take holding back on people and tell the truth no matter the circumstances

"dude I just dropped a truth nuke about my sister and how she ruined my family"

by Ttess1 October 9, 2022

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Tactical Nuke

A Tactical Nuke is the Superior of all ugly girls. This Tactical Nuke defeats grenades, mines, torpedos, and even the infamous A bomb. If you ever encounter a Tactical Nuke, it's all over.

Shivan: Dude I've been talking to this girl shelly she's so hot.

Bob: Bro she's friends with that girl Demi Brancal she's a Tactical Nuke, so you might as well quit, because its ALL OVER.

by Chase Freyman May 11, 2011

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fag nuke

someone who will soon send the planet into a geographical shift making everyone gay. and eventully make the planet a butt bumping feind.

fag bomb:dude did you see freddy yesturday
straight guy:ya i think he's a fag nuke

by fagaphobic January 21, 2009

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