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Facebook pedophile

Someone who constantly creeps on facebook, and knows everything about somebody through facebook.

Guy 1: Man, John and Sarah are friends again!!

Guy 2: Man you are such a facebook pedophile.

by Carter Zoolander May 31, 2011

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Sick, Dead or Pedophile.

A popular drinking game which can start any time the name of an elderly celebrity or public figure is trending on social media. The object of the game is to accurately guess the reason the name is trending. If you guess correctly, everyone who guessed incorrectly must drink a shot. If nobody is correct, everyone drinks two shots. You are not restricted to guessing that they're either sick or dead or a Pedophile although you will find that that is often the case.

Les - I see (celebrity x) is trending, let's play Sick, Dead or Pedophile.

Phil - Good idea Les, do you want to play Sick, Dead or PedophileJohn?

John - yes.

by Lucas Lucas December 3, 2016

Pedophile State University

Also known as the Pennsylvania State University. People started calling the college Pedophile State after former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was arrested for molesting young boys.

Guy 1: What college do you go to?
Guy 2: I go to Penn State University.
Guy 1: Do you mean Pedophile State University?

by Procket Man March 18, 2015

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Masquerading Asshole Pedophile

The correct abbreviation of MAP.

Minor Attracted Person? More like Masquerading Asshole Pedophile.

by APersonWhoMightBeInsane January 14, 2022

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Pedophile Whistleblower

Anyone who flames and spams about how Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself.

Pedophile Whistleblower: Jeffery Epstein was murdered by a group of vigilantes protecting children and minors from being sexually exploited. GASP. I could be next@!!!!!

by bogosuperelf October 28, 2020

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Zoo o pedophile

someone that who feels sexual things on baby animals

dont ask me where did i get this idea from lol

i think alex is zoo o pedophile because he fucked a baby bear

by Rร†Z March 5, 2022

Bob the Angry Pedophile

A pedophile who has extreme rage issues. He tries support groups but only to rid himself of rage.

Bob: Hey kids get in the van I have a puppy
Kids: No
Bob: Get in the van now I have a puppy.
Bob:Get in the god damn van now I have a gun
Bob: Get in the mother fucking van before I blow its head off.

Bob the Angry Pedophile blew the head off the damn puppy.

by Lighammer June 19, 2009

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