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A teenager of Mexican ('Can) decent.

This God damned Can-teen is tailgating the shit out of me with his slammed CRX.

by Iwillslapyourchild October 27, 2013

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Teen Angst

Recent cultural phenomenon where young people (typically ages 13-18) think that they have it tough, that they have rights, and that their opinion actually means something, and that they can do whatever the hell they want.

Such uncouth behavior undoubtedly arises from lack of parental guidance. Or because the kid in question is just plain stupid. Normal kids from good families don't have a rebellious, angsty stage.

"This Linkin Park album is so deep."
"I can do whatever I want!"
"I want my freedom!"
"I'm killing myself!"
"You can't control me!"
"I'm like, so totally depressed and stuff."
"It's just a little pot!"

by PiccoloNamek September 1, 2004

579๐Ÿ‘ 925๐Ÿ‘Ž

teen love

An oxymoron.

Seriously people. Romeo and Juliet was a story.

13 year old girl- I've only been going out with (boy's name) for 2 hours, but I really love him and we're going to be 2 gether 4 ever!
Older wiser person- Get a hold of yourself. You're actin' a fool.
13 year old- But I--
Older person- SH! Teen love doesn't exist. Don't argue. Go play with your Barbies.

by Kirbiet March 16, 2008

73๐Ÿ‘ 104๐Ÿ‘Ž

teen parent

I am not a teenage parent myself but i do have many friends and family members who have had a child at a young age. whilst i do believe that teenage parents should live their life before creating another I do not believe that we as a nation are so narrow minded to believe that all teenage parents are idiots. there lives among us many evil adult parents that put thier children through hell and in some cases cause the death of their own child, with this in mind who has the right to say what age is correct. I feel that if a child is brought into this world and is cared for and loved, despite the age of the parent this person should be applauded. Also maybe we as a nation need to find a solution in helping these teenage parents create a better life for themselves and their child. moreover comments stated that suggest that teenage parents should drive a knife through their stomach to rid themselves of their child or they should use a rusty coat hanger to create thier own at home abortion should be eradicated. individuals stating comments such as these need to consider their own level of maturity before commenting on the maturity of a teenage parent.

a teen parent should live their life before creating another. however my comment does not suggest that individuals comments which i have read are in any way acceptable

by anti-hurtful statements April 6, 2009

81๐Ÿ‘ 117๐Ÿ‘Ž

teen angst

When teens for one reason or another think they have it hard. They often bitch and whine about stupid piddley ass shit and say they will kill themselves over the same piddley ass bullshit.

"I had to take out the garbage tonight...I'm going to kill myself."

"Mommy made me wash the dishes so I'm going to kill myself."

"I had to do homework tonight...I have it so hard."

by IceWarm July 24, 2004

423๐Ÿ‘ 695๐Ÿ‘Ž

cromagnon teen

one who lacks a sense of humor, judges people on the size of their biceps, and loves all things izod...also known to talk incessantly about dance music remixes. Natural enemy of the metro-sexual and the geek.

Yeah, I went to a show last week, and got attacked by a cromagnon teen. He wanted to show a girl his frat car, and I laughed at him having a spoiler on it.

by ocsk8punk May 4, 2005

8๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

teen parent

Don't diss teen parents!

I became pregnant at 17 and I was totally ready for it. Sure, I cried and cried, and I admit, a lot of my dreams went out the door, but having a baby is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

It is wrong calling them "fucking idiots" because it is not immensly smart, neither do I reccomend it, but having a baby is a huge thing: they go through such a lot and they survive it. I think they deserve some praise!

I'm not saying go out and get yourself pregnant, but if you are already in that situation: then abortions not the way to go. There are lots of places where you can get money if you need it, a place to stay and everything. Good luck!

Me and my daughter Star, I'm the teen parent.

by ArielleandStar September 26, 2006

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