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nipple twister

someone that twists nipples with there tounge

maddie guerin is a nipple twister

by macy and maddie the trannys April 9, 2021

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Feces Twister

When someone lies upside down on a swivel chair naked so that his ass sticks out in the air. Another person then proceeds to pull the nearest fire alarm and push the naked person down a hallway while spinning in the swivel chair. This man then proceeds to shit out as much dookie and gas as possible to maximize the field of area covered in shit while people try to escape the building in a torrent of ass-wind and shit.

Oh man! He totally pulled off a feces twister during the fire alarm!

by LazyPerson November 27, 2013

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text twister

its like a tongue twister just when it happens while texting and you dont catch it

"shally shells shea sheals by the seas shore"

"dude cant believe you just had a text twister"

by bobmoise April 15, 2010

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Trunk Twister

When a girl gives you a double handed hand/blow job while twisting her hands.

Yo bro that bitch last niggt e gave me the best trunk twister

by Akimblow June 28, 2018

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Terrain Twister

Uberly awesome RC vehicle that functions on all terrains

Ted: Hey what's that?
Nick: It's my super awesome Terrain Twister!

by Dr-Hax July 15, 2010

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Twister Blister

When someone beats ur dick so hard the penis comes off

Dayton gave me the best twister blister ever

by LongBoi_Manson October 12, 2019

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Dirty Twister

When a girl shits on your dick then gives you handjob with the shit on your dick

She was riding me but accidentally shat on it so she gave a Dirty Twister and finished

by foil7 September 1, 2018

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