A young man who is into older women.
I went on a date with a vulture last night, and he didn't even have to take viagra at the end of the night..
A vulture is one who third parties in a video game. This happens after two parties fight and one defeats the other, in which the vulture swoops in to finish the victor.
My friend and I got third in Apex Legends last night after we ran into some vultures.
A girl you are dating who will eat anything that involves secretions between the two of you
Him: i’m not gonna eat your pussy After I nutted in u.
Girlfriend: I just sucked your dick after you nutted in me.
Him: because you’re a vulture
Someone who you believe to be a close friend, but as soon as your relationship with your boyfriend/girlfriend is over, they begin to hit and ask them out.
After Alex and Samantha split up, the next week Luke asked Samantha out on a date. He was a vulture
Someone who waits in a parking lot for a car to pull out of a parking place.
Harry spotted a woman walking towards a car in the parking lot and instantly morphed into a Vulture. He partially blocked the aisle and put his ticker on to indicate that he had claimed that parking space, waited patiently the car to back out and then zoomed into the parking space as soon as it became available.
A person or a group that takes advantage by creating content/s of a tragedy or death to achieve fame or money
Mentally Stable Person: I Hate YouTube Vultures
A female who is on the prowl for any age type of men. Not like your average cougar, a Vulture also goes for the older men as well. Whatever she can get her claws on. Many times we see vultures scooping in after the wolves or other larger, intimidating animals have taken down the kill. AKA Vultures go for the weak boys who have fallen behind their herds.
Wow, she brought a 14 year old to a concert and is now snuggling with a 18 year old on the couch, what a VULTURE!!
Did you see that vulture just get 3 different numbers from 3 different brothers!!