Source Code


(1) Pornographic Material viewed, obtained or created via Computer.

(2) Word used to evade spellling filters which look for the word 'Porn'

(3) Used to describe material which is deserving of (or will be subjected to) the degree of intense speculation and overeager viewing normally reserved for high quality pornography.

(1) I downloaded some great Pr0n last night from Kazaa

(2) lol net.cop dont filter pr0n in the watch list

(3) check out this ones specs - 15K 3D MARK!!!

by Jez April 25, 2003

2042๐Ÿ‘ 296๐Ÿ‘Ž


Porn in 1337 speak. Can also be confused with prom by some noobs.


-I took a girl to prom once but it didn't work out so I went home and watched pr0n instead. Wait a second..

by CarnivalKid32 March 11, 2010

146๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


l337 version of "Porn".

OMG j00 l337 5h0pk33p0r, sn3d m3 s|_|m pr0n

by DragonSpike August 17, 2003

711๐Ÿ‘ 337๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. n. Pornography obtained from, stored in and/or displayed on a computer. "I gots me some new pr0n off Kazaa!"
Term used to refer to pornography charged with humor. Note that pr0n may not be pornography at all. "Woooow, I dig this ASCII pr0n..."

2. Variant of porn.

by Targen December 2, 2002

473๐Ÿ‘ 257๐Ÿ‘Ž


Another word for pornography but specifically refers to porn found and looked at from a computer.

I downloaded some great pr0n off of www.thehun.com

by thug4life November 23, 2002

315๐Ÿ‘ 201๐Ÿ‘Ž


l33t-version of the word porn.

|-|3'/ dud3, 1 ju5t d/l\'3d 50m3 5VV33t Pr0|\| m4|\|!

by Winter March 6, 2005

219๐Ÿ‘ 141๐Ÿ‘Ž


The slang used by underage ubernerds to avoid the embarrising circumstance of their mother walking in to find her son downloading files apon files of the material on kazaa.

ie: (mum) says: tim! whats this your downloding? (tim) says: oh um its nothing mum just a new band thats out yano PR0N "people really overeat now" just some newage stuff mum. (mum) says: er right fine then but could your clean up this mess PLEASE?

(close one tim.)

by blaqueroze June 28, 2004

317๐Ÿ‘ 225๐Ÿ‘Ž