A person's face that is appealing to look at.
Wow.. Olivia over there really has a lovely face.
Jordan and Ali are two girls that do not have lovely faces!
Butterfly Love is... when you think you love someone. It's sort of like a crush, but worse. You fall in love with a certain aspect of the person. It's a feeling that wakes you up in the morning feeling amazing and you think about that one thing. Whether it be their smile, or their laugh, or their courage, or just everything about them; When things get bad you remember the feeling and it fuels you. You feel like you can run marathons, like you can do anything. (If you don't want to know the rest of the definition/ the sad part about Butterfly Love don't look in the sentence//description)
Then, the person you love starts to show their true colors (like saying something that hurts so much you have to plaster on a smile like nothing happened), if even for a moment, and you start to see they may not be what you think they are. And you fall out of your Butterfly Love. But there's a big problem about Butterfly Love, the feeling is wonderful, but butterfly love lasts a very long time unless you never see the person again or they hurt you so much you stop seeing that which you love about them. The problem about Butterfly Love is that when you fall out of it, you fall back in. You remember what you love about the person and you keep seeing it no matter how hard you try to swear it away. It just becomes more and more obvious to you.
Maybe they like you back and are showing their best aspect just for you. They begin to love you as soon as you've stopped loving them, but it's vice versa when you love them. You just can't escape it and it hurts like hell when you try to. You'll always crave that feeling you had when you had Butterfly Love.
Another name for a condom.
If having sex is making love, a condom is a love cover.
After their date last Friday night, Alex and James went through three love covers.
Loving someone your afraid to hurt. You love them so much you're afraid to hurt them. But you should know that with love comes sadness and hurt and regret but you gain knowledge. You will never forget that person. And with the love you need to be willing to sacrifice anything for them. And at times it may be rough but it's okay. If you hurt them sometimes it's okay. It's not the sadness you caused them it's how you recover from sadness that makes your love stronger.
I don't want this if I'll hurt you. My love sadness is too strong.
A highly unattractive girl or boy who has questionable featues usually used for lovin it strong. Sometimes requires a bag over the head.Can be human or inflatable.See Nuggen Belly
Man Ralph is lovin' it strong with that love sled.Is that a girl or a guy?
True love is giving of yourself in such a way that you would never give yourself to anyone else. This does not mean sex. This means trusting a person, and learning to trust a person, so fully that you could tell them anything. Being able to do anything with that person. Learning and growing with and from them. It is being willing to work at a relationship and build it up from the ground. It may often be found in the most thinkably unlikely places. Love is different for everybody and no one definition should be used for everyone to try to define what you think you may have. You must learn for yourself what true love means to you, and be sure to communicate with the person you want to spend your life with. Let them know what you want, but don't try to change them. You might find they change too much. Listen to what they have to say, and try to be what they need. But do not ever let them disrespect you or your body. It is sacred and you must try to save yourself for the one you marry. True love. It is undefineable and ever changing.
Their love changed from one season of their lives to another, and though its appearance shifted, and things changed, they never once gave up. This was their exhibition of true love in their lives.
True Love is what you, I and every human being in the entire world can feel. The pure, kind and amazing feeling that everyone has. We all love something, such as our parents, our friends and family, etc. Every day of our lives, we remember something or someone dear. Its nothing else but simply, True Love. It can't be described any other way, only the unbreakable emotional feeling one person has forged on the boiling hot anvil that is their emotions. They love whatever they choose to love and nobody has the right to judge them for it.
"You are my one and only True Love. There is no other greater than you."