A social media user that posts a photo or a fact about fish. Usually wholesome. Very fun and neat. I love fish posting.
User 1:"The longear sunfish has beautiful colors that include reds, orange, and teal. They usually eat insects and small fish."
User 2: you are fish posting.
1.One who gets great enjoyment out of posting on forums.
2.one who is a obessive forum poster.
The girls on the Peace Love Castro Train are major posting hoes.
November 12th is a day that no matter what you can’t post LeBron that day or it violates the day.
“Dude are you making a post about LeBron?”
“Yeah why?”
“It’s National Don’t Post LeBron Day dude you can’t!”
“Oh shit my bad bro.”
To go after someone two years or more older for sexual or romantic advances. Commonly used with the word preorder. Any sex can used this word since it applies to all of them.
Jake went to ask his 40 year old math teacher on a date while he was in college before he could his friend told him he was post-ordering.