Source Code

National Dick Suck Day

It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl April 15th is National Dick Suck Day. So get on your knees and get down there

National Dick Suck Day means it's time to get down and get to sucking

Guy: Ay baby I heard it was April 15th...
Girl: well then I guess I need knee pads cause it's time to get low...

by The Remembrance April 12, 2018

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Sasquatch Boner Sucking Face

One who is a total douche bag, tool, or asshole. It can also be used as a term with your friends to piss one off.

Richard: "You're a total sasquatch boner sucking face!"

Jamal: "You're a dick" *starts crying*

by NipplesMcGee July 1, 2009

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Go Suck a Man's Dick


Made up in older times by a stocky, grey-haired lumberjack named Ol' Danny Boy.
Now modernly used as a violent term when extremely mad, usually shouted with extreme prejudice at someone for a minor inconvenience or insult the shouter would have taken offense to.


(you arrive at the theater and are dumbfounded and furious to see that the movie you wanted to enjoy is sold out)

customer-What the hell! I drove five miles to see this movie and its sold out just great!

employee- Sorry sir better luck next time.

customer-You know what, Go Suck a Man's Dick!

by Quiteabod November 13, 2013

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Sucking dick and taking names

Sucking dick and taking names is a saying in which you suck someone’s dick and write it down for further viewing. This name could then be used to say you sucked their dick.

Michael- β€œyo where’s Joey at?”
Arben- β€œidk, sucking dick and taking names I assume.”

Joey- β€œI’m suckin dick and taking names!”

by Jack dancer February 16, 2022

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vape nick suck dick

old meme that died eventually

Mom: Son have you cleaned the dishes?
Son: vape nick suck dick
Mom: Get the fuck out of my house right now im calling joe
Son: Joe who?

by nickvaper June 5, 2021

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son of a suck me off

The offspring of swallowed cum. Commonly used to replace Son of a Bitch. Created on DEC. 2 2007.

I just got shot by a laser, son of a suck me off.

by Maverick B. Vogen December 3, 2007

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suck face cleary

person - the best neighbor in framingham state college; loves the cock; is the love of my life

omg! I am going to make love to suck face cleary!

by Lauren February 8, 2005

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