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A game that was good in 2017 and 2018 and now sucks and is full of 5 year old children.

"that kid plays fortnite"

"lets beat his ass!"

by peepeebuttrlover1 November 7, 2020


A stupid fucking game, played by stupid fucking 8 year old's or generally also played by stupid fucking virgins. These stupid fuckers will suck their fucking life into this piece of shit game that NO-ONE will ever fucking understand. People who play this game and actually enjoy this are people who generally have an IQ of -23

Fortnite is a dipshit's game

by YourLocalNippleTwister November 22, 2018


Det latinske ord for "Få dig et fucking liv"

Du spiller Fortnite hele dagen

by Hanehan January 12, 2023


A video game that's used by virgins or gay boys. The point of the game is to waste real money to buy imaginary money called v-bucks. If you ever see someone play fortnite, you know that your girl is safe around him.

Hey bro do you play fortnite? Yeah i do bruh! *performs gay sex*

by LiloBoi420 November 6, 2018


the best game ever its played a lot and its the best game ever im black so i love chicken and watermelon because im black

im black fortnite im still black

by blackhumanwatermeloneater November 27, 2023


a game that is the biggest cockblock.

girl- “can i come over so we can fuck”

guy- “no babe, im about to get a fortnite win”

by vape_god11 July 14, 2018


A game played by dumbass boys who are gonna end up being 40 year old virgins

look, Jay plays fortnite he must be a dumbass virgin

by Suckmyleftnutsideways June 8, 2018