Sandwiches always taste better when made by someone else.
Nico: It's only turkey and cheese, but this sandwich tastes great.
Tom Hanks: It's the Sandwich Rule, and your welcome.
A fat street gang of villains from Captain Planet
Nick and the Sandwich Crew like to make out with strippers
the act of stacking two or more hookers on top of each other and putting lunch meats in between the hookers.
i was hungry and horny so i made a hooker sandwich
When someone is laying on there back with there mouth open and a male runs towards them jumps and land cock first in their mouth.
I gave my buddy an Open Face Sandwich last night.
We made it up
Andrew and Kaven made up sandwich clamps
Generally known as a Beta Male, Beta Bob, or Simp, it is a derogative term that defines a man who is subservient and submissive to his said girlfriend in the hopes of getting laid by her or winning her favor any day, but is only kept in the friend-zone and is used as a cushion for when she gets dumped by Chad Thunderstroke. First used by Bo from Legion of Man on YT, it describes a man, who simps and has no backbone, that orbits around the gf wanting something out of her, but time and time again he is told to wait while she gets banged by Pookie and Ray Ray. The only attention he gets from her is when she wanting him to spe d money on her (Walking Wallet), and to be used as a bailout when Chad dumps her on the side of the road. It also describes him as a man with no boundaries, no respect, and is an NPC that follow his, or should it be everyones, girlfriend's orders.
Daniel: Does that guy even have a soul in him? His gf is getting plowed by theae Chads and he is just fine with that!
Bo: That's because he is Mr. Bug Sandwich. A spineless turd who has no respect for himself.
Jovi sandwich is a sandwich originating from Jovi's ancestors. This sandwich contains only bread with a hefty amount of regular bacon preferally baked really crispy and greasy.
I love eating Jovi Sandwiches!