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Cokeing Can

Similar to a watering can, a cokeing can is a can used for pouring coke onto things.

Ah, looks like it's time to coke my plants. Gary, where did I put my cokeing can?

by MYSTERYHUMAN👀👀 March 18, 2022

because one can

A reason for doing sommat.

Moi: Because one can.

by yesmrslevinson December 31, 2016

Canned Belt

When you've been meaning to break out a can of whoop ass, but it's been shelved for a very long time.

My roommate is finally leaving me, time to break out that canned belt and let him know how shitty he's always been

I have so many canned belts from the people who fucked me over, where i just decided to not say a single word.

by dildosexual January 8, 2024

You can bet your bottom bollock

A northern phrase describing when something is certain - a sure bet

"was Jeffrey Epstein murdered to keep him silent?"
"You can bet your bottom bollock he was!"

by The Accuntant March 20, 2024

dirty oil can

When a man and a women lay head to head and pee on each other

Hey can I get a dirty oil can

by Corneales mcdoon March 25, 2018

Incense can still smoke better

It's a typical Hindu Buddhism phrase that basically says I'm high on life yeah cool Buddhist fashion.

master: Did you not turn on the light it clicked and the switch used the electrons?.

Student: If you listen to yourself you will hear incense can still smoke better.

by Wow,you know, March 12, 2023

dusting can

A can that holds the propellant that you be sniffing! As in “I snuffed a whole dusting can of computer spray and almost passed out!”

As in “I snuffed a whole dusting can of computer spray and almost passed out!”

by Creamhead September 7, 2020