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Chips and pie

Meaning "Yes" as it rhymes with "Aye Aye". Similar to cocky rhyming slang but originating in Wales, refered to as "Welsh rhyming slang" by locals.

Steve: Fancy a greggs?
Jeff: Aye aye, chips and pie.

by xXGeRmAnSaUsAgEXx July 15, 2017

Pie Floater

Getting your pooper eaten simultaneously with receiving a hand job

Yo dude u know that chick I matched with on tinder? she gave me a pie floater last night

by nayfo7 May 12, 2020

Scream Pie

A "Scream Pie" is a lewd act, in which one's throat is shafted at an inclined angle. Upon climax a participant will make a deposit in the receiving party's cheek. Lastly, the participant holds the receiving party's head at a donward angle and delivers a firm, but loving slap to the load bearing cheek, thus forcing the deposit to explode from the receiving party's mouth.

No, Becky.... What makes you think you can come meet my family for Thanksgiving? This is not a relationship. I Gave you a Scream Pie one time in the back of a Logan's Roadhouse, but that is ALL this was. Please stop putting your used tampons under my windsheild wipers.

by DirtySam October 29, 2022

dry nigga pie

When your mouth is super dry like the desert. Dry : Meaning dry mouth. Nigga: meaning me : Pie : meaning pie hole

I is dry nigga pie lemme get a soda.

by ANARCHYHAHA69 May 29, 2021

air pie

Today it usually means something like being ignored. During the Great Depression, the phrase was "eating air custard and wind pie"; that is, nothing to eat; going hungry.

Last night's dinner was wind custard and air pie.

by paxnagape November 18, 2017

pie loader

The sexiest god damn truck you ever did see

Holy shit that is a nice pie loader

by The vehicle god October 2, 2018

Prairie Hand Pie

While strolling through a grassy knoll and the sudden urge to relieve your bowels hits with extreme force. With no place to actually relieve yourself (out of fear of snakes, poisonous plants, and dysentery), your only option is to reach back and feel the warmth of yesterday’s meals filling your cupped hands.

I should have known that rancid bison meat I had last night would lead to a fresh prairie hand pie this morning.

by Ollieoz June 9, 2019