to jack off in a room full of people, without anyone else knowing.
did u hear how John douche-barry-b'd at that party? he knows how to jack it.
when a critical mass of doucheness is present in a gathering and starts to distract from why everyone is there in the first place.
We better get everyone back on track or this is just going to be another douche o rama like the last time.
When you just cannot become anymore of a brown nosing loser, you'll need something extra. Douche's always have fans, someone aspiring to his/her level of douche, the cheese helps one remain a Douche Pounder!
"The Buzz is a complete Douche Pounder with Cheese!"
when someone has surpassed the level of douche canoe
wow, i didnt think he could do it, but he is no longer a douche canoe. He has reached the level of douche cruise ship.
A douchebag male in his teens or 20s trying to act cool and hip while smoking an e-cigarette. Usually seen in urban areas. This special breed of douchebag spans all ethnic groups. More prevalent among white males. Said douchebag makes it a point that he HAS to be noticed by everyone, especially women. They will slowly walk and strut for added effect. Notice their extra "plumage" or dressing extra "nice" as to be more "hip".
This special type of douchebag makes you want to go up and punch them in the face at a minimum. Public humiliation, insulting, and taunting is highly recommended. This form of tough love is for their own good.
Look at the e douche fag! Smoking an ecigarette while trying to act cool. Everybody is laughing at him.
friend of douche or desk douche who unfortunately encourages desk douche's behavior by being their "yes man" and laughing at their dumb jokes, etc
"oh, here we go, here comes the dynamic duo of desk douche, Derek, and his side-kick douche, Stan...somebody get me a bottle of scotch, I need to be drunk for this"
"did you see how side-kick douche was laughing at his ridiculous jokes? It's ridiculous how he kisses his butt, no one else finds desk douche funny or amusing...or intelligent for that matter"
The lane that assholes get into when they decide they're gonna pass you on a merge, even though you have the right of way and there's not enough room for them.
Fred: This guy's gonna squeeze in at the merge and cause you to slam on your brakes, he's switching to the automatic douche lane...