A very shitty game that is dead and is cancer
Fortnite is a very shitty game
I like hitting the griddy! I like hitting the griddy!
Fortnite-hater: GRR! I hate fortnite. I love the griddy.
Former fortnite-hater: OM,G THE FGRIDDY IS FROM FORTNITE!!? *starts griddying*
Fortnite-lover: *puts penis in Former fortnite-hater*
A 3rd person battle royal shooter that is played by lonley virgins.it can also cause break ups,divorces,and friend loss
Me:why don’t you have any friends?
Person:I play Fortnite
Me:oh understandable
A disease that commonly occurs in kids, Youtubers, Losers, and Snapchat users.
Symptoms include:
High levels of salt
excessive use of credit card
Uploading content about said disease
and finally death
The disease has no known cure as of yet.
doctor: sir your son has fortnite
Father: Holy Shit!
A game that if you are a god at your a god damn virgin
man he must be a virgin because he good at fortnite