When a male and male, or male and female have sex in an extremely hot climate or room and the penis and testicles become hot and act like an oven on the mans genitals warming up his semen until he ejaculates a steaming hot pile of ejaculate on to the partners face like a flamethrower. This has resulted in 2nd degree burns for some unfortunate users
Me and Yessica fucked on the hottest day of the year in our tiny bedroom while we were on holiday in Bangkok and It was so hot I accidentally gave her a Mississippi fire spitter.
The act of catching a hornet/yellow jacket/wasp nest on fire to exterminate them.
I found a hornets nest on the trailer, so I ran inside and grabbed my Oxygen Torch.
They weren't expecting that Baptism by Fire!
The feeling of a revelation of a lifetime
It took me hours to figure out what was wrong with my engine, but when I did I felt like a martian who’s about to discover fire
When your aim with a gun is so bad that you miss most of your shots. Used in video games most of the time.
A situation that is beyond the pale
Equifax is a complete garbage fire. They are going to get hacked again because their management and executive team is a bunch of idiots
This word is used to describe a horrible person who likes to sneak diss and DS.
This word can also described a tired person or someone who feels horrible.
She is such a garbage fire for talkin shit.
I was up until 12, I feel so garbage fire.