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Old person, a geezer. A Geriatric who no longer can control their bowels

Sorry I took so long, The line up at the bank was full of Pant-Shitters taking their sweet time.

by Nolspe November 7, 2022

poppy pants


“You’re a poppy pants in every way possible” -Christian MCcollom

by Poppypantz November 23, 2022

Slag pants

A hole located on a piece of clothing on or above the thigh, allowing a female to alert other males that she is easy access for a good time.

I think ill wear my Slag pants tonight just to make sure.

by TheRoyalist July 11, 2017

PooPy pants CEO


"Sarah is PooPy pants CEO"

by PooPy pants CEO's enemy September 17, 2021

Pants Ferret

The ferret put in someone's pants in the act of ferret-legging, a popular game played by English coal miners in Yorkshire in which a ferret is inserted into one's pants, and kept there for as long as possible. Also my moniker, and a euphemism for a penis.

Damn, Jeffery has had that pants ferret in his ferret pants for a long time now.

by PantsFerret July 28, 2019

almost peed my pants

APMP Much better than lol, which everyone denigrates as "I'm not laughing, they are not laughing." At least use this until something better comes along. I got the idea watching a gif of the guy who gets the peanuts from the girl in the bar after she has sucked all the chocolate off of them. Made my day.

When that giraffe jumped over the SUV, I almost peed my pants. (I am sure you can do much better.)

by lawaimike December 16, 2016

Ball Choker Pants

Ball Choker Pants
Guy pants that are so tight; thus cutting off circulation to his penis. There by killing off all his sperm and any chance of him getting erection.

Nate wearing those ball choker pants is probably the best thing for human genome.

Looks like Nathan's Dominatrix , is punishing him by making him wear those ball choker pants.

Nate's girlfriend when Monica Lewinsky on his nuts. But, instead of cutting them off she switch out his tight pant for ball choker pants.

by Ice86 November 30, 2022