A special accountant is basically a stripper. Mainly came from the social media app Tiktok.
“A day in the life as a ✨special accountant✨“
A stripper. This term came from the social media app, TikTok.
“A day in the life as a ✨Special Accountant✨.“
A drink that consists of vodka (originally Russki Standard), beer (originally Bock) and cream liquor.
I went to the bar and ordered a Ricky Special.
I blacked out from drinking too much Ricky Specials.
Make me a Ricky Special.
A bowl layered with Entourage Cigar tobacco and keef.
Typically done when one is completely out of weed.
Carth: I’m trying to smoke, breh.
Crab: I don’t have any real bud, but I can scrape some keef from my grinder and make a Ricky Special.
Taking a mans balls and making them disappear in your mouth while jerking him off until he blows on your face!
I will take the ocampo special