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hella bad news bears

A combination of the terms hella and bad news bears, defining something that is extremely bad, so much so that neither term on its own will completely encompass the magnitude of the situation

Wow, you got pulled over by the cops while you were drunk, and had weed in the car? That's hella bad news bears.

by the philanthropic arsonist October 23, 2008

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big crazy polar bear

Well...It is big, it is crazy, and, my fine feathered friend, it is in fact a Polar Bear. You can also call your friend this. All in good fun of course.

The Big Crazy Polar Bear tried to convince me that stale fish tastes better unharmed.

by LoLa October 31, 2004

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polar bear head

A blowjob which involves cold hands & lots of teeth.

Dude 1: my girlfriend is so bad giving me a bj

Dude 2: yours is better than mine, she gives me a polar bear head every night

by Themaskedman2k14 February 19, 2014

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Polar Bear Head

Giving head with cold hands and using ones teeth.

-"What was you SO like?"
-"She gave Polar Bear Head with her cold hands and lots of teeth."

by reddit user kuato_lives helper February 20, 2014

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bi-polar bear

a bear with a split personality...in the antarctic. it can be contrasted with a dandy lion. happy in the jungle.

Penguin #1: why is that bear so depressed? he was so happy an hour ago.
Penguin #2: dude, he's a bi-polar bear.

Lion: i love it here in the jungle.
Tiger: yeah everything is so happy.
Lion: i'd hate to live in the antarctic, i'd get so paranoid. like, everything is white and blends in.
Tiger: the animals there don't know how to deal with it.
Lion: what, like, they're bi-polar?
Tiger: yeah...bi-polar bears.

by astrolad May 20, 2009

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zacky poo bear

A man with no raw talent, he loves getting up the ass by his superiors, he loves to deep throat

"Did you see that trany"
"Did you mean that zacky poo bear"

by Best bitch in the world April 20, 2016

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I don't care bear

the little kindergarten kid that smelled like piss, and played with carebears in the corner

hey you wanna play power rangers kid?

don't talk to him thats the "I don't care bear!"

by Johnnykins March 21, 2008

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