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Lincolnton Middle School

Lincolnton middle school is full of fake ass NIGGERS and all the ppl are good at b-ball and there wrestling team is ass

Here about all them niggers got in a fight at Lincolnton Middle School that place is an ok school.

by Yaboithewrastler February 28, 2019

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Middle Earth Mud Dragon

When you defecate in and around your lovers mouth and he/she/it performs a bloodcurling scream and exhales fecal matter. Much like a dragon, without the feces. Most commonly used in Lord of the Rings. Most notable occurence is when Gandalf performed this on Legolas during the Battle of Gondor.

Late one night after Alec got done supervising his church youth group, he came home to see his Homosexual lover Remi engaged in an affair with Eric. A couple days later, Alec told Remi to come into the room. When Remi came into the room, Alec suprised him by shitting all over his mouth and down his throat. Enraged by this, Remi let out a huge roar expelling poo from his mouth.

After witnessing this act of revenge, Lily Twodicks proclaimed "eeeeeewwwww why did you just give him a Middle Earth Mud Dragon?"

by ExplosiveSoap August 9, 2011

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Middle Eastern Mars Bar

A sex act involving meticulous preparation whereby a male (or female with penis) shaves his testicles, gooch and head and proceeds to store the shaven hair. Step two requires minor culinary skills in that a couple of Mars Bars must be heated in a pan and brought to highly viscous (thick), yet fluid, syrup. The newly created concoction (after cooling to a lukewarm temperature) is then carefully lathered onto the perpetrator’s earlier prepared erected penis and testicles. All the shaven hair is generously applied to the chocolate-coated trouser snake until it is completely covered to create an β€˜ewok-type’ appeal. The final, and crucial, step is to coax a female to initiate the art of felatio on you and, in a jack-in-the-box-style maneuver, reveal your Middle Eastern Mars Bar.

*NB: It should be noted the Mars Bar syrup possesses both a practical and aesthetic qualities:
Practical – to allow the hair to stick;
Aesthetic – to act as a dark background to the hair

"She was coughing up chocolate fur balls for weeks after I gave her the Middle Eastern Mars Bar at Stylzie's place after Dirty Thursday"

by G. Dingle March 21, 2006

7πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Medford Memorial Middle School

A bunch of little jerks who are immature and kids who havent hit puberty. They are all messed up. Wat a joke

Dont even bother coming to shawnee cause u will not be liked!!!!!! FROSH

by man_wit_skills March 18, 2005

28πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

Hidden River Middle School

A school with the grades of 6-8. Created about ten years back i believe. It's probably one of the most newest school in the Maltby area (considering the maltby area only has one other school). Though it had pretty good teachers, the teachers that go there now are highly unpredictable. Most of the old timers have retired, but from what I've heard, the new teachers there are pretty mean and disciplining. Once a drugfree place, the place itself is now full of druggies! (or so i've heard). The kids there yap away like nothing, and that get's the nerves of the teachers obviously. Now you see why the teachers might be so mean. Either way, it's an ok school. The school colors are green, black and grey while the school mascot is a hawk.

The real hidden river, which the school Hidden River Middle School was named after is actually just a small puddle about the size of a pothole.

by The_Good_Samaritan December 6, 2011

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Washington wilkes middle school

Literally contains the thre most pointless grades of your life, the staff doesn’t let you use the bathroom in between classes. All the teachers smell like paper and subway sandwiches. 88% black 12% white

Washington wilkes middle school is better known as pre game lobby of hell

by TheSecretBlackMan February 19, 2018

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Middle aged christian mom

A mom who only likes "Halleluja" and "Jesus take the wheel".
A Middle aged christian mom also has around 49 unvaccinated kids.
Because vaccines are against the lord.

Edit: 2 minutes has passsed now, she only has 23 kids left.

Hi, i am a Middle aged christian mom.

Middle aged christian moms don't vaccinate because its "against the lord.

by Middle aged christian mom June 20, 2019

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