the act of sticking a cooked potato up someone's ass and then eating it once it is shitted back out.
Bro last night was wild! Instead of having dinner, Stacy let me make a Hungarian Baked Potato!
when the 4th place finisher gets awarded a medal along with the top 3. usually happens at u.s. figure skating national championships
he couldn't podium, but at least he can get a potato medal. as a treat.
they flopped, but there's always a possibility of a potato medal.
Being a dumbass / mike miller
Your being such a cheesecake potatoe
The act of enlarging a clitoris with a vacuum, then drying it with kosher salt before stimulating it with chopsticks
I am quite sore after trying the german potato
flossing your teeth with mashed potatoes, by squishing it through closed teeth.
'Eww, are you potato flossing?'