Source Code


A hickey on your dick

Given by sucking dick too hard

Creating a bruise on one's penis

She sucked my dick so hard she gave me a dickie. Hurts like hell

by J_Miller February 25, 2022

dicky tongue

A guy who does yoga so he can give himself a blowjob.

That Mark goes to yoga every single day, what a dicky tongue!

by Speedy Hobbit November 18, 2016

Dicky Whatsit

Some days you have a dicky whatsit, and then some days you don't.

Can sometimes relate to a Hairy Pair Sausage Casserole.

Immac and Veet may help a dicky whatsit... especially after a hairy sausage casserole!

You don't want a barbed wired wedgie in your dicky whatsit!

Please embrace your dicky whatsit, you have a lovely dicky whatsit.

Try to optimise your dicky whatsit.

Dicky whatsits are just part of life's rich pattern.

A dicky whatsit is just like converting a JSON payload.

...a dicky whatsit happens more frequent than you m ay think!

Oh my life, I had a dicky whatsit and it was quite nice!

(Someone's having a dicky whatsit)

by Fancyphanicpants October 21, 2021

dicky whatsit

Some days you have a dicky whatsit, and then some days you don't.

Can sometimes relate to a Hairy Pair' Sausage Casserole.

Immac and Veet may help a dicky whatsit... especially after a hairy sausage casserole!

You don't want a barbed wired wedgie in your dicky whatsit!

Please embrace your dicky whatsit, you have a lovely dicky whatsit.

Try to optimise your dicky whatsit.

Dicky whatsits are just part of life's rich pattern.

A dicky whatsit is just like converting a JSON payload.

...a dicky whatsit happens more frequent than you m ay think!

Oh my life, I had a dicky whatsit and it was quite nice!

(Someone's having a dicky whatsit)

by fancyphanickpants October 21, 2021

dickie kickie

a kick in the meatballs

person 1: im going to give you a dickie kickie
person 2: OUCH

by yummyc0ck May 15, 2024

Dickie George

A vagabond that goes from place to place without washing.
Generally has scruffy hair and looks like a Gypo

Bloke 1: Have you just got in from last night

Bloke 2: Yea how can you tell?

Bloke 1: Look at the state of you. Your such a Dickie George

by Daimposter August 2, 2011

Slicky Ricky on the chicky dicky

Little head job and lube on a transexual penis

Mate she did the ole slicky Ricky on the chicky dicky

by Yesmamsir November 30, 2022