Strategies in a video game that are so stupid, they actually work. They’re so unexpectedly dumb, it actually tricks enemies.
“This kid is straight up just doing Conor Plays”
Strategies in a video game that are so stupid, they actually work because of how unexpectedly dumb it was.
“Oh my god this kid is straight up just pulling Conor Plays”
Biggest bean in ferry looks like a stick gets burst in every fight, think he runs the show
YMD: aw naw it’s Conor brown am so para hardest boy walking towards us aw naw am gonna get hit by his bat that he pure holds
Conor gets bullied by his best friends. Conor cant talk to girls and his always single and his best friend bullies him because he cant get girls. Conor has a receding hairline and crippling depression.
Conor cant talk to girls
Conor hows your girlfriend oh wait you dont have one
An awesome, amazing boyfriend who has these big, beautiful blue eyes and this stupid really short messy blonde hair, and really pale skin, who’s always there to listen and reassure you, and sometimes confuse you with his weird Irish language. He’s so pretty and i cry thinking about the day he dies. He’s been there with me through everything even when I was in the hospital for my OD attempt. If your reading this Hawley, I love you so so so so so much from the bottom of my heart and I hope you know that no matter what, if you killed somebody, blew up a school, or anything else worse, I would always love you. Even when my heart stops beating I will love you and think about you, WHEN I AM NOTHING BUT SOIL FOR THE MAGGOTS TO SQUIRM IN I WILL MISS YOU AND I WILL WISH I COULD HAVE BEEN WITH YOU LONGER. <3 -Zubin
Conor: a really really sweet amazing person.
Friend: Why do you like him so much?
Me: He pulled me out of my depression and gave my life meaning.
Techy boy who is really kind
You will feel comfortable around him and he is easy to talk to
Conors generally have blond hair but it can be a dark blond
Girls only see him as a friend but everyone likes him
He is into animals, computor s and video games
They don't like sport but are very smart
"Conor is such a good friend", I say
"Yeah he is so smart too", Liydia says
The Irish powerhouse. The longest cock you've ever seen and he knows how to use it. Just the thought of him makes all the girls and guys bust. There is no one on this earth that does not want to be murdered by his meat sword.
P1 - I met this guy today and instantly exploded out my dick
P2 - You met Conor