When you pour up a drink of the energy drink "bomba" and drop two shots of vodka in the cup of "bomba".
Consume with caution since you will probably see unicorns.
This blue multi colored drink tastes really good and it's your choice what flavour of bomba it will be! Treat this drink with respect as this drink will seriously get you really drunk really fast and give you loads of energy so really tho consume with caution.
Duuude! You wanna do a kamikaze and get hella hammered my dude.
Yaaa, rad my guy.....
(10 min later)
Woaaah, bigman im not feeling to good
I guess the kamikaze isn't for pussies.
Bartender: So what will it be?
You: One kamikaze please
Bartender: What flavour?
You: Make it the blue one
Remember treat the kamikaze drink with respect!
The act of imbibing in an alcoholic beverage while engaged in the sport of Pickleball
“ Is anyone bringing a six pack of beer to the courts this evening so that we can dink and drink?”
the ability to drink when other responsibilities outweigh ones ability to party, which happens infrequently
nick and his baby and wifey and jobs makes luxury drinking the only kind of drinking
To consume a beverage in a sneak-like fashion. The art of sneak-drinking is one that is difficult to perfect, but has a remarkable amount of payoff. There are numerous situations in life where normal drinking is strictly prohibited—in these common dilemmas, sneak-drinking will assist one in obtaining the necessary amount of liquid he or she needs in order to continuely perform everyday activities in an efficient manner.
Frank: "I'm totally going to sneak-drink this water."
Christina: "What? 'Sneak-drink?'
Frank: "Yes. I am going to drink it. Sneakily."
The epitome of all drinking games. This game is the ultimate test of skill and resilience. Best played on a low coffee table this game combines the ferocity of civil war along with the dexterity of a 12 year old Russian gymnast. Teams of three battle in a game of civil war but must go to their knees followed by their stomach based on the amount of cups left. This game has been known to make grown men cry, women pregnant, and average joes become all american athletes. There is no other game out there that tests the full range of the human body, mind, and soul. This game alone has been known to speed up evolution in humans. If you arent walrusing you arent trying.
"Damnnn how you get abs like that" "Im a Walrus Drinking champion my friend"
The Fuck it Drink is the one drink that puts you over your limits.
Drinking the Fuck it Drink you know your either going to have an awesome night or all hell is going to break loose.
The Fuck it Drink is the drink you have to lose all fears, inhibitions, and insecurities.
Oh shit this is my Fuck it Drink, let's party.
I'm not drunk, I haven't had my Fuck it Drink.
Hey Pat, You better have your Fuck it Drink before you go over there to talk to that girl.
A term invented by a dude in Lakeville Minnesota for an alternative to the term "ice fishing". Ice fishing is a popular winter past time in the northern states, and as most the time ice fishing amounts to just drinking beer in a fish-house or on the ice, the term ice drinking was a logical alternative as it more accurately described the activity. A dude from Lakeville Minnesota by the name of Lane copyrighted the term "ice drinking" as he was selling "Ice Drinking" T-shirts at ice fishing contests.
I was out ice drinking with the boys and got a DWI.
Damn dude, do I have ever have a nasty hangover. I was ice drinking last night, and now I feel like dog shit!
Screw snowmobiling, let's just go ice drinking!
Me and Jane went ice drinking, and she caught two walleyes and I got laid.