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mobile solutions

-MiniMarts of shit mobile aka: T mobile. Usually spring up outside successful electronic stores that sell wireless. Mostly employs inexperienced young crackers. Like flies on shit, they buzz all around their booth stuffing shit mobile down your throat. aka hawker

"Hey lets go to sharper image."
"I don't know, look at all those prepubescent mobile solutions young boys trying to sell you shit mobile. fuck it lets go home"

by jim sweeney August 17, 2006

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MTA Mobility

MTA Mobility is a paratransit service for disabled patrons poorly run by idiots in the State of Maryland's Maryland Transit Administration. MTA Mobility should in truth be called MTA IMMobility because; it is seldom on time. MTA Mobility works sometimes but more often it takes you on a grand tour of Baltimore's worse inner city ghettos. The drivers of MTA Mobility are generally quite good but they are slaves to fools who actually administer this ill fated badly run para-transit program. The State of Maryland is run by a corrupt bunch of fools and political hacks oversee the program.

If you are lucky enough to have a job before using MTA Mobility you won't have it for long because; the only thing MTA Mobility is good for is getting you to work late. Not just a few minutes late hours late. If you have a 7 AM pick up time they might actually pick you up at 7 AM but if you have a 8:00 arrival time at destination you might get there at 10 o clock. If you are an hour late all your scheduled drop off location don't you dare say anything or else rude ignorant drivers will get angry and threaten you to a fight.

What lame people MTA Mobility hires that like to threaten violence to disabled working people. The MTA Mobility routing center is staffed by world class losers none of whom know the first thing about logistics ortransportation management.

The best reason to stay on disability and never even think of getting a job is MTA Mobility. The state of Maryland was stupid enough to spend thousands of dollars on my job training. I even got a good paying job BUT thanks to MTA Mobility I am about to lose the job. Maryland is a state run by fools who paid thousands of tax dollars to train me for a job. thousands more to prepare me for a job and now that I have the job won't spend a few dollors to help the disabled worker they created to get to his job on time.


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mobile pwned

a term used to describe someone who has been pwned over the phone, or over another mobile device

"Yo dude, that guy just prank called u"
"Yer man, mobile pwned..."

by Chubbs 69 February 5, 2009

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mobile ATM

Term used by thieves to describe tourists in poorer countries that is easily robbed of their belongings and moneys while they do sightseeing on foot.

Mobile ATM, MobileATM, ATM, Mobile, Automatic, Teller, Machine, Tourist

by Abie Martin December 14, 2006

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chode mobile

a car that looks like a chode or as gay as a chode and usually the driver is a chode.

robbin:hey batman there is a crime going on

batman:to the chode mobile

by DARKNESS DIVINE666 February 11, 2011

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Quief Mobile

A car which has had all the work done to it and the owner thinks it sounds sexy when in reality it just sounds like a little quief. The owner is definitely compensating for having a tiny penis

Zacs M3 is a right quief mobile, whenever he drives past it sounds like my granny farted out of her flaps #MrDiddyDong

by Ronny Pickering July 13, 2021

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felony mobile

A vehicle which, based on its body style, paint, and rims, may be, or may have been used in the commission of a felony.

"Wow! Look at that '87 Monte Carlo SS. With that rusty grey primer all over it, and the 24 inch rims that probably cost more than the car itself, it HAS to be a felony mobile."

"I'm pretty sure that the house on the corner is a drug house. They have felony mobiles driving in and out at all hours of the day. Imapalas, Caprices, Monte Carlos, what more evidence do you need?"

by Mister_Chairman November 4, 2009

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