People that are afraid to take risks.
Scared money don't make no money.
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A cousin of beer goggles, but applicable to women. Just as beer goggles make unattractive women desirable to men, money goggles make unattractive men desirable to women. So a man can be a complete, misogynistic pig, but if hes a complete, misogynistic pig with 20 million dollars, women are willing to ignore the fact that he is a complete, misogynistic pig thanks to money goggles.
At first, Mindy hated the dirty, loud asshole at the end of the bar. When she found out he had a fleet of sports cars, a mansion in Florida and a Swiss bank account, she put on her money goggles and was soon fellating him in the back of his Rolls Royce.
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An expression describing a person who is unable to manage their money.
He comes from a family that is just simply money stupid; they all make purchases that are not thought out such as buying a brand new car or paying top dollar for poorly made products.
Expensive like a Mercedes Benz car.
Going there cost Mercedes Money!
A phrase from the movie "Hell or High Water". Toby is exchanging the cash that they just stole from a bank at a casino and his brother reminds him to get "Debbie money". Debbie is Toby's ex-wife to whom he owes a lot of back child support. His brother, Tanner, is reminding him to get some cash to satisfy her when he sees her the next day.
Teller: Like to pay this out in cash or check?
Tanner: Get some Debbie money.
Toby: Four in cash, rest in check.
Zeke Money is the most sexiest, smartest and kindest guy on earth. He has a huge dick and is great in bed. Ladies if you ever meet a Zeke Money you're the luckiest girl on earth
" He is so sexy and smart he must be a Zeke Money "
money paid to someone to buy their silence, to prevent them from revealing or making public something secret one does not wish to come out;
or just putting it straight and plain: money paid to someone for keeping their mouth shut, a bribe for somebody's silence.
She's been given enough hush money to keep her mouth shut till the end of the world and even a day longer, at least that's what she said. But you know women and alcohol - a dangerous combination of the two: at Peter's party last week she had had a drink or two too much and she let the cat out of the bag.
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