Source Code

Sammy the Bull

One who believes in manifest destiny, therefore able to dominate in all aspects of life including JV puck.

Common phrases utilized by the Bull include: "Yeaaaaaa Boiiiiieee", "Do you like to party? you must.", "One minute", and "Nizzaaaaww".

Sammy the Bull on right wing, Sam Lagor playing center, and Mara on left...blue line all the way baby.

by PJ Mara March 20, 2008

15πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A fearless, kind, cutie pie with a big heart and loads of attitude. She's not a nerd but she loves to act like one, she's intelligent, goofy, clumsy, and almost too liberal. a real party lover and is crazy about music but is all about education. so if you're a Sammie like me, be proud of who you are.- S. Kheio was here <3

Rye: Yo bull did you go to Noodle party last night?
Tra: Naw why, and ain't her name Sammie.
Rye: You a whole nut,that jawn pop and yeah you ain't know.
Tra:Sammie Kheio!?
Rye: Yeah N****!
Tra: Damn yo why aint you tell me, she bad as shit!

by sammieluvsyu July 28, 2011

136πŸ‘ 4345πŸ‘Ž

sammy sosa

O V E R R A T E D! aka. CORKY
A person who may have cheated at baseball his entire career, but was never caught until last season.
(makes Pete Rose look like a damn saint)
One of the leagues WORST outfielders not only in modern day baseball, but any baseball era in history.
Simply put, an awful player that should have been a DH from day 1 in the league.

Corky will always be remembered for how he embarassed himself, his family and his shitty Chicago Cubs fans last season.

by Diesel February 3, 2004

38πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

Sammy Sosa

What? Corky landed on the bench? Oh wait, sorry, splitting DH time because 'he's tired.' Oh, and that pitiful 2-40something june. Lets not forget the Orioles current freefall in the AL East to the Yankoffs and BoSux.

Sosa still sucks, though he's your problem now O's fans. Sorry guys.

by Plinkton Cyclopes July 10, 2005

27πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Sammy Weindorf

He’s a very cool bass player but one time he showed up late to our 6:00 am meeting at dunkin

β€œCan I get a bacon egg and cheese on croissant” -Sammy Weindorf

by Mr. CAMeleon August 18, 2022

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

sidestreet sammy

Someone who always tries to find a quicker way to a destination by taking back roads or streets.

"What took you so long to get here?" "Oh, John pulled another sidestreet sammy on us."

by bohring April 26, 2009

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Sammy Sosa

The act of shoving a baseball bat up a girls ass until she turns a ghostly white color.

TR "I gave my girl a Sammy Sosa last night and she squirted all over the place"

FG "Did you try the Alaskan Fire Dragon"?

by Pussymuncher69 December 9, 2010

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž