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In recent times, a "scene" kid is someone who dresses in skinny jeans, band shirts, or colourful (usually tight) cloths. They tend to resemble "emo" people, but act more or less like a typical "prep".

sally: are those emos?
joe: nope, scene kids...

by snake bite June 9, 2007

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Conformity by some teenagers to what is "cool".

Basic characteristics of male "scene" kids are:
-Choppy, messy hair, usually dyed black or in strange colors.
-Tight girl pants.
-Lots and lots of hoodies.
-Band shirts.
-Chucks or any other tight, generic shoe.
-Stud belts and/or bracelets.
-Anything that can be used to make them look more like girls.
-Spend 2 or more hours a day on their hair.

Basic characteristics of female "scene" kids are:
-Choppy, messy hair, usually dyed black or in strange colors.
-Tight guy pants OR (Rarely, girl pants).
-Lots and lots of hoodies.
-Band shirs.
-Chucks or any other tight, generic shoe.
-Stud belts and/or bracelets.
-Anything that can be used to make them look more like guys.
-Spends no time on their hair, period.

Most "scene" kids also wear ugly, black, nerdy glasses, often very Weezer-esque. They don't listen to a particular type of band. "Scene" kids hear one song from a band, and if it's a popular song, they say they love the band even though they've only heard one song. They're characterized by complaining about how bad their life is, writing horrible poetry, and skulking in dark areas. They also often use the phrase "Xcore" with prefixes such as "scene", "emo", and "hard".

To sum it up, "scene" kids are basically just a bunch of conformists who look exactly the same because they all dress the same and act the same.

"I love Fall Out Boy! They're so scene!"
"What's your favorite song?"
"Sugar, We're Goin' Down."
"Have you heard any of their other music?"
"No. But they still rock!"

"That guy with the messy hair and the tight pants is so sceneXcore!"

by MH. November 12, 2005

17πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


scene kids suck. they think they are original, but there are millions of kids just like them. they want to be cool, but they cant, because they copy each other. the kids that put x's on there hands, wear vintage clothing, and say they just do their own thing, are just in it for the fashion and will grow out of it.

damn scene kids, walking around the mall thinking they are so cool. they know people make fun of them, they just act like they dont care, and go home and cry about it.

by oifoundedoi August 13, 2005

13πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


See homo, fag, gay or poser. At certain times certain things become cool in high school, but how could have pretending to be depressed 24/7 become popular? I have depression and I don\'t call myself a scene and take gay angle shots of my depressed face and write some stupid shit as a subtitle. Be yourself people... *sigh*

Emos think they\'re \"cool\" now. I wonder how stupid theyre gonna feel about their \"phase\" when theyre in their mid twenties. There are way too many emo pics on urbandictionary.com. Stay in the closet, you ugly, acne ridden confused twats.

by sdfcfd April 27, 2005

24πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is usually into underground music.
All scene kids seem to dress the same; girl's jeans with holes or camo shorts for the summer, tight black band shirts, asics, choppy hair normally cut by themselves, messenger bags with buttons, castro hats with buttons of their favorite bands, or that they're straight edge.
Often travel by bike.
Typical scene boys are way hot.
Scene girls are dumb, and care way too much about what they look like.
They like to spend time in the city, or biking/walking with other scene kids.
Music is these kid's lives.

"Woah did you see that scene boy walk by, he was so hot in his pants that are tighter than mine..."

"So the way to get in a girl's pants is to wear girls pants?"

by samthug July 12, 2005

10πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


In today's society, these are the creepy kids without a life. They spend all their time online, generally on Neopets, MySpace, LJ, etc. etc. with a large community with lots of others like them. They have usernames like "xmyxheartxisxbrokenx." Scene kids are often seen overusing "x's" and semicolons, as well as underscores.

They're usually obsessed with things that really don't matter online, such as love and fashion.
Often, scene kids have (usually fictitious) "photos" of themselves online, featuring themselves clad in cheesy black Hot Topic wannabe clothing with heavy makeup, showing the peace sign or pretending to look ΓΌber cool. These photos are either heavily photoshopped or fake altogether.

"Scene kid" is also interchangeable with "creepy Internet kid".


Day in the Life of a Scene Kid

*signs onto some IM client on a username like xdontxyouxlovexmex*
xdontxyouxlovexmex says: hi scene kid
&;;__xixlovexyoux says: hey scene kid
&;;__xixlovexyoux says: sup?
xdontxyouxlovexmex says: nothing, just went to hot topic lolz. aren't they the greatest kthxbaiiii?
&;;__xixlovexyoux says: definitely lolz
&;;__xixlovexyoux says: so can i see your pic again lolz xDxD
xdontxyouxlovexmex says: kay this is my pic;; *someurl*
&;;__xixlovexyoux says: not enough black makeup =\ it has to cover your whole eye!
xdontxyouxlovexmex says: lolz kthxbye i'm so rejected at school already D:


I think you get the point ...

by Asti March 4, 2006

16πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


right, ok.
scene, scene kids, scenexcore, scene points, scene scene scene.

BASICALLY scene kids are called scene because they like to go to shows. for some reason everyone finds their
-black (cut-at-home) hair
-dinosaur/robot/polka dot obsessions
-skinny jeans
-checked shirts
-alice bands
-septum rings
-myspace pictures/captions
OFFENSIVE. why? i have no clue to be honest.

some scene kids are just plain RUDE, but then again so are some chavs, some goths, some emos, some gangsta and some indie ppl. SO WHAT? get OVER it. as far as i know, they are not asking you to like the same things as them!!!

some scene lingo includes:
OMFGZZZZZ! - oh my f*cking god!
BLUD! - blad pisstake.

im sure you can think of others.

by her. September 5, 2006

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž