The act you put on in public or around friends and strangers. Anyone that isn't family or that doesn't know how you really are thinks you act one way and only that one way. Likewise, your family may think you act a different way and only that one way. Often times, the friends and family will not know of both personalities or "acts". These "acts" can be made up of multiple characteristics, usually opposites. There are countless different "acts" to fit everyone that has one.
Frank: "You can trust me, Steve, I won't let you down."
Steve: " I don't know about this, Frank. You have been known to mess up and mess others up."
Frank: " Yeah well that's just my social act. I really am responsible."
Superficial assets or attributes of an individual that make him or her more desirable.
I appreciate Brandon for his wit and energy. I don't just keep him around for his car, money, or his other social condiments.
A term that is more socially accepted in certain groups of human species, as per se; social drinking or social smoking.
It takes away from the taboo stigma due to the added social perspective.
Guy 1: "Did you hear that they have been social sleeping since they hooked up on Monday?"
Guy 2: "How inappropriate! At least they are being social I guess…"
A term used to reduce human interactions to a quantifiable and expendable resource -- so as to facilitate indoctrination into economics and laissez faire/free trade ideology, which is the rot of the world.
1. Steve: "Gee, every time I try and get assistance from my telco, I can never sort out my phone woes"
Clare: "It only matters when social capital is bartered as a resource, it matters little what occurs then after."
2. Peter: "I've been seeing a Psychologist, and to me, he just didn't seem to care..."
Susan: "Why should he. It only matters when social capital is bartered as a resource, it matters little what occurs then after."
3. Craig: "Hey honey, we have a wonderful estate, local and foreign investments, and are miserable; the kids are spoiled, and not the much happier for that. We buy them smart phones and computer games, and what ever else they want, I feel like we're doing something wrong..."
Angela: "Craig, what you need to understand is that that kitsch humbug notion of love must be done away with so as to cultivate professional relationships with our progeny; it isn't fit for them to use any faculty of insight or contemplation lest they awaken any free thinking thoughts. You have always been social capital to me, even though you are my favorite cousin."
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Someone who is VERY social and easygoing; can be either a male or a female. Usually these people don’t belong to a particular group, but rather jump from one group to another. They are somewhat accepted in all of them, but don’t really have any deep friendship connections in any of them.
V: “I’ve been a real “social butterfly” this past Friday… I hanged out with 5 different groups of friends in one night.
D: “Oh wow!! How did you manage that?”
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Someone that hangs around certain people for popularity, usually annoying them also, so they talk about her behind her back. But she loves it.
Jessica: "Who was that girl that wouldn't go away?"
Abi: "That's Lisa. she's a total social fruitfly."
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An excuse to troll people and/or act like a retard in public.
Did you hear about how a bunch of normal girls ran around asking random dudes if they wanted to bang? They called it a 'social experiment'. Bullshit, they're just trolling.
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