Acronym for Cocky Arrogant Bastards; a club for the best. A member within this club may also be referred to as a CAB as well. The prerequesites are strongly based upon overall appearance, class, family heritage, family wealth, current occupation, and most importantly, a snooty I'm-better-than-you attitude. In order to join this club you must initially contact and interview with the founding member and must be approved by every single current member as well thereafter; an example of how like-minded each member is ideally supposed to be. The founding member, however, has authority to veto or exile any applicant or member at any time if violations are severe enough.
"The man's a fuckin stud....he's probably a CAB."
stud, best, cocky, arrogant, club, talent, skill, athletic
The person you share an apartment with but have separate rooms.
That’s my cab. We moved in last month.
An old car that is either white or black.
If you saw a rusty white car, it would be called a,"Collie Cab".
Ordering a bottle or several glasses of Cabernet, generally at a restaurant of repute, and slamming the wine like a Jaegarbomb.
Damn man, that look on that waiters face after the third round of fast cabs was priceless!
It’s is a van, sort of. Well, it’s actually a truck, with Van-like attributes.
Person 1: “Hey bud! Heard you bought a van today! What did you get?”
Person 2: “Dodge Dakota Club Cab.”
Person 1: “😵 💫 huh?”
a mid-sized sedan that has only 10% of it's original parts remaining and over 10 years. It's large enough for 5, but can easily accomodate 7. 8 if you include the trunk
8 of us can't fit in the neon, we'll need 2 rides. No problem get the "cobra cab"
A girl who goes with a culchie in his tractor and does some saucy things with him in the cab. Or it can just be when she sits with him in the tractor while he works.
“Ava spent her Saturday in Rory’s tractor, she’s such a cab slag.”