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Racquetball court

If a tennis court is a giant ping pong table with a fence around it, a racquetball court is a giant folded up ping pong table.

The wall on a racquetball court is like the folded up part of a folded up ping pong table, whether you hit the ball with a racquet, a stick, your hands, or your feet.

Is the midget standing on the ping pong table again?

by Solid Mantis October 1, 2020

Boy’s Court

When One of the boys commits “Crimes Against the Boys” He States his case at boy’s court or face punishment under the Full extant of “Boy’s Law”

Boy 1: Did you hear what **** did?

Boy 2: Yeah, he’s going to boy’s court.

by September 6, 2020

Word Court

Words intended to manipulate readers.

WORD COURT Prosecutor Makes a Book Reviewer's "Manipulatives" Bold and Underlined

by but for March 21, 2020

Kangaroo Court

Formal proceedings to expose the lies told by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson when he denied breaking his own laws to hold parties in government offices during the COVID pandemic crisis and resulting national lockdowns.

"Their purpose from the beginning has been to find me guilty, regardless of the facts. This is the very definition of a kangaroo court." - RT Hon. Boris Johnson

by Pollitica June 10, 2023


a large breasted mamal. extremely goofy. an idiot. fun. slightly retarded (more than slightyly) a great friend

man-court sport wat the hell are you doing?

cp- being a goofy, idiot, fun, retarded friend what the hell do you think?

man- shut the flip up *turkey slaps court-sport*


by Hannah.Bdog April 2, 2007

College court

College Court is the spiritual home of the Limerick techno scene. Known for obnoxiously large house parties and rolling over on rooftops.

Are you going to college court after dolans for a scauldy session?

by SeanieAir February 26, 2021

Disband the courts

Disband the courts is a political protest globally where drug use is mandatory and talking to the police is required to be done with .177 cal airguns in retailiation for cavity search on children under 5

Disband the courts always pack upgraded Glocks and m2a2 Thompson and ak1

Airguns I hate the group they almost always win even in court and their buildings are huge this one is 250,000

by Cody5050 January 25, 2022