means you prefer things to be simple, not that you are dumb
Damn i wish those tech guys would explain more sanity-ish!
Some one who looks capable of rape. Usually have a mustache to thin to be called a mustache.
Clare: Dose that guy selling ice cream out of his van give you a creepy vibe?
Matt: Yeah, that mustache and lack of windows makes him look RAPE-ISH!
A type of love you feel for a friend that's maybe a little more but neither of you are ready for a commitment.
To describe a shape of a basket.
It's not square, it's not oval.
It's squaroval-ish
Someone who looks or is acting suspiciously like a NARC; an undercover police agent; an informant.
That guy over there seems really NARC-ish trying to ask dancers how much it would cost for a blowjob.
(adjective) Used to describe a female horse that is more intelligent than her rider.
I can that get along with that horse, she is too mare-ish.
A level of language or wording that would be approved by HR, is politically correct, or meets some HR policy or guideline.
Steve asked, "Does this email sound HR-ish enough to you?"