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Cart Smoker

A person who has only ever gotten high of a cart/THC juice

"If you didn't first get high out of a apple or a bottle or some shit, and you use carts, YOU'RE NOT A FUCKING STONER, Goodbye!" - any non - cart smoker

by Phinn_ May 8, 2021

smoker's lung

1) Something a seasoned tobacco/marijuana/meth smoker says when they have a coughing fit.

2) A serious condition that you should probably consult your doctor about.

Tom: *coughs like he's dying*
Gerald: Are you okay, Tom?
Tom: Yeah I'm good- it's just my smoker's lung acting up.
Gerald: Dude, you really need to quit smoking.
Tom: Shut up pussy or I'll cough on you.

by Princ. David Pierce May 3, 2018

Cock smoker

A small bbq smoker made for smoking penises before cooking them aimed at the hillbilly communities

God dam the bbq penises tasted mighty fine I think I ate 10 of them and it’s all down to my awesome cock smoker mmmmmmm

by Big T Hound October 21, 2021

Sunday Smoker

A person who smokes other peoples weed and never brings their own.

I like to chill with John, but he's a Sunday Smoker.
Always smoking up my shit and never bringing his own.

by KeefKing13 July 12, 2019

Social Smoker

someone who smokes infront of groups of people and/or posts pictures of their cigarettes on social media such as snapchat/Instagram stories. Only smoke so people KNOW that they smoke. Only smoke for attention.

Jordan: here comes Ciara with her fake fags

Ashley: did you see her stories last night? Pictures of here fags every other snap

Jordan: she’s such a social smoker,it does my head in

Ciara *lights up cigarette(fag) and puffs a drag without taking it down*

Ashley: and she doesn’t take it down, socialsmokers like that proper piss me off

by sophia_ashbil March 4, 2018

Jaxon smoker

Where you scrunch your face and shape your mouth as an O while exhaling any form of smoke

1. Pull a jaxon smoker

by Jaxon smoker December 9, 2019

Rhea Smoker

Rhea Smoker tipically gets all the hoes and prolly plays minecraft and is rlly good at it, she prolly is thic and has a lot of gangster friends shes super pretty and makes everyone laugh, she prolly has to take drug tests often and drinks a lot of laughing juice on weekends, shes also prolly rlly cool and also her favorite bestie is prolly sydney!!!!!

Did you see rhea smoker over there smoking a fat joint

by Rhea Smoker May 11, 2018