Source Code

Tuck Job

When a male tucks his shaft and balls in between his legs and lays flat on his stomach while the female tugs the shaft and gives the male the cleanest asshole in the world by giving a cool whip rim job

Nick i hear you have the cleanest asshole in spain since you experienced a tuck job.

by B to the E to the B to the O January 15, 2009

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Nip tuck

To go through with "plastic surgery" to enlarge ones breast Aka: get a "boob job"

That has to be a nip tuck, they were HUGE!

by Cayle Funck October 10, 2003

53๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

dick tuck

When a man has to take a shit, he must first tuck the dick behind the toilet seat to avoid pissing all over the bathroom floor.

Man, I had to piss and shit so bad, lucky for that dick tuck or there would've been a lot of cleaning to do.

by uknowmeJO January 18, 2010

27๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

titty tuck

just tuck in those titties and all the chaos in your life will go away

shauna: ive just been feeling so down lately, my lifes a mess and im sick of being hit on

alice: girl, i know how you feel, just do the titty tuck and everything will be alright

by tittytucker669 January 21, 2019

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tuck game

Tuck Game is the ability of a male individual's ability to hide his block and tackle between his legs, so as to appear female.

Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs had mad tuck game

by friendo900 December 4, 2013

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Full Tuck

A "Full Tuck'!!!! Is when you get something (ANYTHING) to the MAX or the most or Best of any catagorie!!

Tony went to the deli and wanted Full Tuck Reuben (the works or everything on it!!!)

Or Justin went to the car dealership and bought a brand new Full Tuck Mustang and ordered it !!! (Loaded) !

by Shoe Guy 7 December 30, 2011

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full tuck

A motorcycle riding position where the rider is "tucked" fully down and low behind the windshield. It is extremely aerodynamic.

"He's on a sport bike, of course he's riding full tuck in the triple digits."

by nobodyevenknows June 4, 2013

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